My work as a counsellor
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My work as a counsellor

My work as a counsellor

I feel fortunate that my work as a counsellor links well with my passion and experience in travel and adventure. My counselling takes my clients on a journey – but excitingly can lead to an even more exhilarating one onto one of my Wilderness Journey programmes.

After an initial period of one-to-one work, exploring the issues relevant to you as an individual, I assess whether it might be beneficial to offer the opportunity of incorporating a therapeutic programme to deepen your experience and understanding on either the West Coast of Scotland or the Himalayas. Nurturing in nature, utilising its healing powers are hugely beneficial.

All businesses need a ‘spirit of adventure’ to succeed

All businesses need a ‘spirit of adventure’ to succeed

Both the Himalayas and the West Coast of Scotland are perfect environments for coaching senior executives who are looking to take time out, take stock and make sense of where they are within the context of their careers and recharge and rejuvenate their batteries after years of stress.

It’s not easy territory year after year giving oneself to the business or organisation often, at the expense of one’s own health, family and relationship time but all businesses need a ‘spirit of adventure’ to succeed.

Having worked as a CEO for many years I know too well the cost and commitment required to grow and develop an organisation. Driving teams forward, motivating and inspiring them by one’s own personal commitment comes at a cost. Taking time out as a senior executive or senior member of staff is not only crucial to your companies wellbeing, but perhaps more importantly, crucial to your own, your family’s and your relationship with those that matter to you. I believe the most important relationship we have is the one we have with ourselves - this is the relationships that act as the steering wheel for all external relationships. If it’s out of balance then it’s likely our relationships with those around us will also be out of balance. In my experience the closer we can be to nature and wild places the closer we can get to our real selves and to our own nature within.

Embarking on the first Rite of Passage

Embarking on the first Rite of Passage

Launching a new ‘Rite of Passage Programme’ in the Himalayas was always going to be exciting. Having worked with and supported Thomas for 6-months prior to this 3-week ‘Rite of Passage’, he was ready, nervous, excited, anxious, willing and able to embark on an adventure of the mind, body and soul that would become a catalyst for change. At 21 years of age, with a complex ‘backstory’ that is all too familiar for young adults and in particular this young man, he naturally was experiencing a range of emotions. Change can only happen when we give ourselves up to taking a risk or taking a chance. It’s in this moment in this process that we begin to see ourselves through a new lens in a new and unfamiliar world that change can not only happen but become accelerated.

The greatest gifts we can give our children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.
Denis Waitley

This ‘Rite of Passage’ programme is designed to enable young adults to experience a world of decision making, in unfamiliar settings. Whether that be in a Tibetan Monastery, Soup kitchen for some of the poorest people on earth or needing to plan and prepare for a Himalayan trek that promises to not only take you to new heights physically, but to take you into the perhaps unfamiliar world of witnessing yourself in the company of others who are also on the ‘Road Less Travelled’.

Please call me to chat about my
services or programmes on

+44 (0)7717741539